Hmmmm, haven't blogged for quite a while. Here is a quick rundown of the last six months ...
I worked a long-term temporary job from October until the end of January, which made my Christmas difficult. I like to give hand-made gifts, and working full-time and having my fall weekends pretty much taken up providing bed & breakfast to hunters, I didn't have the time I needed. So, no hand-made gifts. Which made me very sad. So, THIS year, I made a resolution to make ONE gift every month, rather than leaving them all until December. Which never works. December has only 24 gift-making days until Christmas. And one quilt can take up half of them! (Machine-quilted quilt, that is; hand quilting definitely needs more than 24 days!)
I started off pretty well, considering I was still working in January. (I decided that since most people work full-time and still manage to accomplish things, I had to quit complaining about my lack of time and just start accomplishing things!) I made a sofa quilt for my mom AND I finished a knitted/felted cat bed. Both were planned as presents for Christmas 2010, but ... I gave the quilt to my mom for her January birthday, and put the cat bed aside for Christmas 2011. So far, so good. As long as I don't forget where I put it!
In February, I made a valentine wall-quilt. It is supposed to look like an old fashioned Valentine, with flowery material and hearts and lavish quilting! I wish the quilting showed up in this picture; it is machine quilted, but I still like it a lot.
I also finished a quilt top (my second 2011 Christmas present), but have not quilted it yet. That makes three completed tops that need to be quilted; one of these days ...